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The Irlen® Method

The Irlen® Method is non-invasive technology that uses colored overlays and filters to improve the brain’s ability to process visual information.  It is the only method scientifically proven to successfully correct the processing problems associated with Irlen Syndrome.

The cornerstone of The Irlen® Method is its precision-tinted colored overlays and filters. We use advanced color spectrometer technology to ensure that our overlays and colored glasses meet strict standards of color balancing designed to produce the most effective color-correction tool.

Click to read more about research done on Irlen Syndrome at Cornell.

  • What is Bérard AIT?
    Dr. Guy Bérard, an ear, nose, and throat doctor from France, developed an auditory training system in the 1950s called Bérard Auditory Integration Training. Bérard AIT was developed to address auditory hypersensitivity, distortions, and delays in hearing that negatively impact auditory processing. The system uses music, fed through headphones to an individual, to train the middle and inner ear to better process auditory information. This educational training system reorganizes the brain to improve auditory and sensory processing capabilities. The dysfunctional sensory center is changed so the brain no longer gets overloaded with disorganized information. ​ It has been shown to be effective for improving attention and focus, sensory processing, communication, confidence, behavioral issues, and school related skills of reading, spelling and writing.
  • How does Bérard AIT work?
    A device called the Earducator ™ specifically modifies and modulates the music played during training and can filter out specific frequencies in order to train the individual’s auditory system. This can enable functional changes to occur in the auditory processing areas of the brain.
  • How long does it take?
    Bérard Auditory Integration Training requires ten days, with two-30 minute listening sessions (at least three hours apart) each day. The following observations have been reported following Bérard AIT: ​ ● Reduction of tantrums ● Decreased sensitivity to auditory stimuli ● Reduction in hyperactivity, increased attention ● Increased focus and ability to follow directions ● Increased confidence, socialization, and communication (receptive and expressive) skills ● Improved reading, spelling and writing ● Improved sensory processing, and decreased sensory overload ● Improved spatial understanding
  • Do I need to have a hearing test?
    The Bérard AIT method includes three hearing tests: the first one is within 14 days of the start date, the second is between days 5 and 6, and the third one is within one week when the AIT is finished. Those who are not able to complete an audio test can still be eligible for AIT, please speak to your practitioner for more information.
  • What if I don’t have a hearing problem?
    Neither children nor adults have a reference point to assess their own hearing, for all we have is our own set of ears! Most clients who receive Bérard AIT have been found to have “normal” hearing, i.e. no hearing loss by their examining health practitioners. ​ Some sound frequencies may be heard more acutely than others. It is this imbalance that Bérard AIT remediates. Just as we keep our bodies in shape with activity, the ear and auditory function can also receive valuable training available through Bérard AIT.
  • Who is a good candidate for Auditory Integration Training?
    Candidates for AIT are individuals with dysfunctional auditory systems or skills. Symptoms of hyper-acute hearing, hypo-acute hearing or general auditory dysfunction are typically present. There can be an overlap between these categories. The minimum age is 3 years old. Persons with characteristics of hyper-acute hearing may display the following behaviors: Covers ears with his/her hands Cries in response to some environmental sounds Says “it hurts my ears” Runs away from sound Cringes Learns better visually Learns better one to one Tunes out Is easily overwhelmed in group situations ​ Persons with characteristics of soft sound sensitivity may display the following behaviors: Aggravated by sounds of chewing, yawning, slurping, sniffing made by others There can be an emotional component: anxiety, fear, aggression, irritability Person may fear/anticipate when an auditory "assault" may come ​ Persons with characteristics of hypo-acute hearing may display the following behaviors: ​ Acts as if hard of hearing or deaf Has short attention span Doesn’t appear to understand oral directions Responds to only part(s) of verbal directions Needs physical prompts to follow verbal directions Makes noise for noises sake Learns better visually, tunes out​ Persons with characteristics of general auditory dysfunction may display the following behaviors: Responds to only part(s) of verbal instruction Daydreams, attention drifts, can't stay focused Needs repeated verbal instruction Has trouble remembering what he/she has been told Performs inconsistently in school Is easily distracted by background noise Shows a slow or delayed response time Hears but does not seem to understand Learns better visually, tunes out, has speech or language delays
  • How do we know that Bérard AIT works?
    Much research has been done regarding the success of Bérard AIT for the above claims. You can explore some of the studies conducted:
  • Can Bérard AIT be done at my house remotely?
    Yes, new advances in technology can bring Bérard AIT to your home. The Bérard AIT equipment can be shipped to your home, connected to your router, and we can work together remotely via video communication. The practitioner will be able to provide daily input and consultation based on feedback provided by the parents, the client, and our own professional observations.
  • How much does it cost?
    The cost for the remote Bérard AIT Program is $1,700 which includes 20 sessions of Bérard AIT with a trained practitioner. The non-refundable deposit of $500 is due a month in advance with the registration to reserve your place. Three hearing tests are required with an approved audiologist which cost about $200. Payment for the Bérard AIT program can be made in one, two, or three payments, which must be processed by the start of the program. Payment options include cash, check, or card. There is an additional $85 fee if a card is used.
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